Hong-Erh Liang, PhD, MS, BS
Nguyen TTT, Lu W, Zhu WS, Ansel KM, Liang HE, Weiss A. Stimulation of ectopically expressed muscarinic receptors induces IFN-γ but suppresses IL-2 production by inhibiting activation of pAKT pathways in primary T cells. 2023. PMID: 37307442
Ricardo-Gonzalez RR, Kotas ME, O'Leary CE, Singh K, Damsky W, Liao C, Arouge E, Tenvooren I, Marquez DM, Schroeder AW, Cohen JN, Fassett MS, Lee J, Daniel SG, Bittinger K, Díaz RE, Fraser JS, Ali N, Ansel KM, Spitzer MH, Liang HE, Locksley RM. Innate type 2 immunity controls hair follicle commensalism by Demodex mites. 2022. PMID: 36044899
Roberto R Ricardo-Gonzalez, Maya E Kotas, Claire O’Leary, Iliana Tenvooren, Diana Marquez, Katelyn Singh, William Damsky, Chang Liao, Andrew Schroeder, Jarish Cohen, Marlys S Fassett, Jinwoo Lee, Scott G Daniel, Kyle Bittinger, Roberto Efrain Diaz, James Fraser, Karl Mark Ansel, Matthew Spitzer, Hong-Erh Liang, Richard M Locksley. Innate type 2 immunity controls hair follicle commensalism by Demodex mites. 2022. PMID:
O'Leary CE, Sbierski-Kind J, Kotas ME, Wagner JC, Liang HE, Schroeder AW, de Tenorio JC, von Moltke J, Ricardo-Gonzalez RR, Eckalbar WL, Molofsky AB, Schneider C, Locksley RM. Bile acid-sensitive tuft cells regulate biliary neutrophil influx. 2022. PMID: 35245089
Cautivo KM, Matatia PR, Lizama CO, Mroz NM, Dahlgren MW, Yu X, Sbierski-Kind J, Taruselli MT, Brooks JF, Wade-Vallance A, Caryotakis SE, Chang AA, Liang HE, Zikherman J, Locksley RM, Molofsky AB. Interferon gamma constrains type 2 lymphocyte niche boundaries during mixed inflammation. 2022. PMID: 35139352
Chuntova P, Hou Y, Naka R, Yamamichi A, Chen T, Goretsky Y, Hatae R, Nejo T, Kohanbash G, Mende AL, Montoya M, Downey KM, Diebold D, Skinner J, Liang HE, Schwer B, Okada H. Novel EGFRvIII-CAR transgenic mice for rigorous preclinical studies in syngeneic mice. 2021. PMID: 34347086
Castellanos CA, Ren X, Gonzalez SL, Li HK, Schroeder AW, Liang HE, Laidlaw BJ, Hu D, Mak ACY, Eng C, Rodríguez-Santana JR, LeNoir M, Yan Q, Celedón JC, Burchard EG, Zamvil SS, Ishido S, Locksley RM, Cyster JG, Huang X, Shin JS. Lymph node-resident dendritic cells drive TH2 cell development involving MARCH1. 2021. PMID: 34652961
Kotas ME, Mroz NM, Koga S, Liang HE, Schroeder AW, Ricardo-Gonzalez RR, Schneider C, Locksley RM. CISH constrains the tuft-ILC2 circuit to set epithelial and immune tone. 2021. PMID: 34290377
Carlos A Castellanos, Xin Ren, Hong-Erh Liang, Brian J Laidlaw, Andrea Barczak, Joshua Rudolph, Walter L Eckalbar, Xiaozhu Huang, Jason G Cyster, Richard M Locksley, David J Erle, Satoshi Ishido, Jeoung-Sook Shin. Development of allergic airway immunity depends on MARCH1-mediated ubiquitination of MHCII and CD86 in dendritic cells. 2020. PMID:
Ricardo-Gonzalez RR, Schneider C, Liao C, Lee J, Liang HE, Locksley RM. Tissue-specific pathways extrude activated ILC2s to disseminate type 2 immunity. 2020. PMID: 32031571
Schneider C, Lee J, Koga S, Ricardo-Gonzalez RR, Nussbaum JC, Smith LK, Villeda SA, Liang HE, Locksley RM. Tissue-Resident Group 2 Innate Lymphoid Cells Differentiate by Layered Ontogeny and In Situ Perinatal Priming. 2019. PMID: 31128962
Ricardo-Gonzalez RR, Van Dyken SJ, Schneider C, Lee J, Nussbaum JC, Liang HE, Vaka D, Eckalbar WL, Molofsky AB, Erle DJ, Locksley RM. Tissue signals imprint ILC2 identity with anticipatory function. 2018. PMID: 30201992
Schneider C, O'Leary CE, von Moltke J, Liang HE, Ang QY, Turnbaugh PJ, Radhakrishnan S, Pellizzon M, Ma A, Locksley RM. A Metabolite-Triggered Tuft Cell-ILC2 Circuit Drives Small Intestinal Remodeling. Volume 174 of Issue 2. 2018. PMID: 29887373
J. Lee, C. Schneider, H. Liang, R. Ricardo-Gonzalez, J. Nussbaum, L. Smith, S. Villeda, R. Locksley. 1021 Origin of type 2 innate lymphoid cells in the skin. 2018. PMID:
Savage AK, Liang HE, Locksley RM. The Development of Steady-State Activation Hubs between Adult LTi ILC3s and Primed Macrophages in Small Intestine. Volume 199 of Issue 5. 2017. PMID: 28747343
Van Dyken SJ, Liang HE, Naikawadi RP, Woodruff PG, Wolters PJ, Erle DJ, Locksley RM. Spontaneous Chitin Accumulation in Airways and Age-Related Fibrotic Lung Disease. Volume 169 of Issue 3. 2017. PMID: 28431248
Hsu LY, Cheng DA, Chen Y, Liang HE, Weiss A. Destabilizing the autoinhibitory conformation of Zap70 induces up-regulation of inhibitory receptors and T cell unresponsiveness. 2017. PMID: 28159798
Van Dyken SJ, Nussbaum JC, Lee J, Molofsky AB, Liang HE, Pollack JL, Gate RE, Haliburton GE, Ye CJ, Marson A, Erle DJ, Locksley RM. A tissue checkpoint regulates type 2 immunity. Volume 17 of Issue 12. 2016. PMID: 27749840
von Moltke J, Ji M, Liang HE, Locksley RM. Tuft-cell-derived IL-25 regulates an intestinal ILC2-epithelial response circuit. Volume 529 of Issue 7585. 2015. PMID: 26675736
Molofsky AB, Van Gool F, Liang HE, Van Dyken SJ, Nussbaum JC, Lee J, Bluestone JA, Locksley RM. Interleukin-33 and Interferon-? Counter-Regulate Group 2 Innate Lymphoid Cell Activation during Immune Perturbation. Volume 43 of Issue 1. 2015. PMID: 26092469
Laurence E. Cheng, Brandon M. Sullivan, Lizett E. Retana, Christopher D.C. Allen, Hong-Erh Liang, Richard M. Locksley. IgE-activated basophils regulate eosinophil tissue entry by modulating endothelial function. 2015. PMID:
Cheng LE, Sullivan BM, Retana LE, Allen CD, Liang HE, Locksley RM. IgE-activated basophils regulate eosinophil tissue entry by modulating endothelial function. Volume 212 of Issue 4. 2015. PMID: 25779634
Reinhardt RL, Liang HE, Bao K, Price AE, Mohrs M, Kelly BL, Locksley RM. A novel model for IFN-?-mediated autoinflammatory syndromes. Volume 194 of Issue 5. 2015. PMID: 25637019
Bando JK, Liang HE, Locksley RM. Identification and distribution of developing innate lymphoid cells in the fetal mouse intestine. Volume 16 of Issue 2. 2014. PMID: 25501629
Van Dyken SJ, Mohapatra A, Nussbaum JC, Molofsky AB, Thornton EE, Ziegler SF, McKenzie AN, Krummel MF, Liang HE, Locksley RM. Chitin activates parallel immune modules that direct distinct inflammatory responses via innate lymphoid type 2 and ?d T cells. Volume 40 of Issue 3. 2014. PMID: 24631157
Nussbaum JC, Van Dyken SJ, von Moltke J, Cheng LE, Mohapatra A, Molofsky AB, Thornton EE, Krummel MF, Chawla A, Liang HE, Locksley RM. Type 2 innate lymphoid cells control eosinophil homeostasis. Volume 502 of Issue 7470. 2013. PMID: 24037376
Steven J. Van Dyken, Alexander Mohapatra, Jesse C. Nussbaum, Hong-Erh Liang, Richard M. Locksley. 265 Cooperative activation of innate lymphoid type 2 cells (ILC2) by epithelial cytokines in response to chitin. 2013. PMID:
Bando JK, Nussbaum JC, Liang HE, Locksley RM. Type 2 innate lymphoid cells constitutively express arginase-I in the naive and inflamed lung. Volume 94 of Issue 5. 2013. PMID: 23924659
Molofsky AB, Nussbaum JC, Liang HE, Van Dyken SJ, Cheng LE, Mohapatra A, Chawla A, Locksley RM. Innate lymphoid type 2 cells sustain visceral adipose tissue eosinophils and alternatively activated macrophages. Volume 210 of Issue 3. 2013. PMID: 23420878
Price AE, Reinhardt RL, Liang HE, Locksley RM. Marking and quantifying IL-17A-producing cells in vivo. Volume 7 of Issue 6. 2012. PMID: 22768117
Liang HE, Reinhardt RL, Bando JK, Sullivan BM, Ho IC, Locksley RM. Divergent expression patterns of IL-4 and IL-13 define unique functions in allergic immunity. Volume 13 of Issue 1. 2011. PMID: 22138715
Sullivan BM, Liang HE, Bando JK, Wu D, Cheng LE, McKerrow JK, Allen CD, Locksley RM. Genetic analysis of basophil function in vivo. Volume 12 of Issue 6. 2011. PMID: 21552267
Ari Molofsky, Davina Wu, Hong-Erh Liang, Jennifer Bando, Hani Jouihan, Robert Ricardo-Gonzalez, Ajay Chawla, Richard Locksley. Adipose eosinophils promote alternatively activated macrophages that maintain metabolic homeostasis (151.21). 2011. PMID:
Jennifer Bando, Hong-Erh Liang, Richard Locksley. Arginase-I is expressed by ckit+IL-7Ra+ populations in cryptopatches (166.11). 2011. PMID:
Richard Reinhardt, Hong-Erh Liang, Brandon Sullivan, Richard Locksley. Divergent expression patterns of IL-4 and IL-13 define unique functions in type 2 immunity (56.22). 2011. PMID:
Brandon Sullivan, Hong-Erh Liang, Jennifer Bando, Davina Wu, Laurence Cheng, James McKerrow, Chris Allen, Richard Locksley. Genetic analysis of basophil function in vivo (151.22). 2011. PMID:
Jesse Nussbaum, Hong-Erh Liang, Brandon Sullivan, April Price, Richard Locksley. Innate and adaptive Type 2 cytokines drive mucosal eosinophilia (58.2). 2011. PMID:
April Price, Hong-Erh Liang, R. Lee Reinhardt, Richard Locksley. Tracking in vivo IL-17A production during infection and autoimmunity (114.11). 2011. PMID:
Wu D, Molofsky AB, Liang HE, Ricardo-Gonzalez RR, Jouihan HA, Bando JK, Chawla A, Locksley RM. Eosinophils sustain adipose alternatively activated macrophages associated with glucose homeostasis. Volume 332 of Issue 6026. 2011. PMID: 21436399
Price AE, Liang HE, Sullivan BM, Reinhardt RL, Eisley CJ, Erle DJ, Locksley RM. Systemically dispersed innate IL-13-expressing cells in type 2 immunity. Volume 107 of Issue 25. 2010. PMID: 20534524
Richard M. Locksley, Brandon Sullivan, R. Lee Reinhardt, Davina Wu, Steve Van Dyken, Suk-Jo Kang, April Price, Jennifer Bando, Hong-Erh Liang. Tracking cytokine expression in vivo. 2009. PMID:
Voehringer D, Wu D, Liang HE, Locksley RM. Efficient generation of long-distance conditional alleles using recombineering and a dual selection strategy in replicate plates. Volume 9. 2009. PMID: 19638212
Richard Lee Reinhardt, Hong-Erh Liang, Richard M. Locksley. Cytokine-secreting follicular T cells shape the antibody repertoire (34.19). 2009. PMID:
April E Price, Hong-Erh Liang, Richard M Locksley. Generation of IL-17A reporter mice to track IL-17A expression in vivo (38.19). 2009. PMID:
Brandon M Sullivan, Davina Wu, Hong-Erh Liang, P'ng Loke, James H McKerrow, David Voehringer, Richard M Locksley. Tissue restricted activation of basophils mediates primary immunity against helminthes (79.22). 2009. PMID:
Reinhardt RL, Liang HE, Locksley RM. Cytokine-secreting follicular T cells shape the antibody repertoire. Volume 10 of Issue 4. 2009. PMID: 19252490
Kang SJ, Liang HE, Reizis B, Locksley RM. Regulation of hierarchical clustering and activation of innate immune cells by dendritic cells. Volume 29 of Issue 5. 2008. PMID: 19006696
Voehringer D, Liang HE, Locksley RM. Homeostasis and effector function of lymphopenia-induced "memory-like" T cells in constitutively T cell-depleted mice. Volume 180 of Issue 7. 2008. PMID: 18354198
Reese TA, Liang HE, Tager AM, Luster AD, Van Rooijen N, Voehringer D, Locksley RM. Chitin induces accumulation in tissue of innate immune cells associated with allergy. Volume 447 of Issue 7140. 2007. PMID: 17450126
Reinhardt RL, Kang SJ, Liang HE, Locksley RM. T helper cell effector fates--who, how and where? Volume 18 of Issue 3. 2006. PMID: 16617008
Xia M, Imredy JP, Santarelli VP, Liang HA, Condra CL, Bennett P, Koblan KS, Connolly TM. Generation and characterization of a cell line with inducible expression of Ca(v)3.2 (T-type) channels. 2003. PMID: 15090236